Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Post #1384

Le'La Design - Yulia Outfit (Top/Pants/Belt/Heels/Necklace/Bag)







•30 Colors Texture HUD


Nuve - Olivia Eyebrows (EvoX/BoM)

Nuve - Modular Eyeliner (EvoX/BoM)

Nuve - Genetics - Moles (EvoX/BoM)


IKON - Eros Eyes - Dew (BoM/LeLutka Applier) - New Release @ The Seasonal Sale


Izzie's - Red Lipstick - Glossy Pack (EvoX/BoM)


Karved Tattoo - Custom Floral Diaphragm Tattoo (BoM)

•This tattoo is not for sale. If you would like any

custom tattoo work done, please contact

Toby Velvetleaf.•


Truth Hair - Pillow Hairstyle - Redhead Color Pack


YsoraL Jewelry - Set Rings - Delphine (Legacy)


Suicidal Unborn - Minerva Nails (Legacy)


The Void - Mirage Lashes - Top & Bottom - Avalon


MILA - Margot - Browless - Velour Chantilly Skintone (EvoX//BoM)


Velour - Picasso Babe Skin for Legacy (Modelesque//Chantilly)

•Picasso Babe x Moles (Modified to Darker Tone)


LeLutka - Avalon Mesh Head - V4.0


The Shops - Legacy (f) Pinup x Bombshell (1.1.1)


[piXit] Poses - A Bit Dramatic Poseset

*The purse I'm holding has

changed the arm position.*


Tropix Store - Shops NY Backdrop - Day


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