Monday, June 3, 2024

Post #1290


Dreamland Designs - Portia Bedroom Set (Adult/PG)

*Comes with the bed, frames & fringed rug.

The adult bed has Bento Singles Female-male-

couples-sleep-adult w/props-sequences-speed-

lovescenefacials. Material enabled. Copy-mod-

no trans. Bed & frames: 16LI.*

Dreamland Designs - Portia Chair Set (Adult/PG)

*Comes with the chair, table, throw blanket &

flower lamp. Bento singles female-male-couples

-adults, props on singles-sequences-facials-

speed control. Material enabled. Copy-mod-

no trans. Total 9LI for the set.*

Dreamland Designs - Portia Couch Set (Adult/PG)

*Comes with the couch, coffee table, rug, books,

& lanterns. Bento singles female-male-couples-

adult. Props on singles-sequences-facials-speed

control. Material enabled. Copy-mod-no trans.

Total of 16LI.*

Dreamland Designs - Portia Fireplace

*Animated flames on/off, material

enabled. Copy-mod-no trans.

The fireplace is 5LI.*

Dreamland Designs - Portia Side Tables

*The set is the tables, frames, flower

lamp, candles & plant. Material enabled.

Copy-mod-no trans. 16LI total.*

Dreamland Designs - Portia Wall Shelf

*Material enabled. Copy-mod-no trans.

6LI total.*

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